Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Evalution of Chapter 5

A. Multiple choice
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. C

B. Essay
1. What is the difference between first line indent and hanging indent ?
2. how to insert a new column in a table ?
3. a. what is ribbon ?
b. name parts of the ribbon ?
4. a. how to set the spacing in a script ?
b. name type of script ?
5. explain breifly on how to make a mass letter using the mail merge facility.
1. First line indent : it is to align according to preference, either letters or numbers on the first line of a word or a sentence that has beeb blocked.
hanging indent : it is to align according to preference on the letter or number on the second line , third , and so on within a blocked sentence.
2.You can insert a new column in a table by he followin way.
a. place the cursor on a table that will be inserted a colun.
b. click the Layout tab , look in the Rows & Columns group.
c. if we are to insert a column on the right side of table , click Insert Right , whereas to insert a new column on the left side , click Insert Left.
3. a. Ribbon menu : it is bar that contains icon to support word processing.
b. 1. home
2. insert
3. page layout
4. preference
5. mailings
6. review
7. view
8. format
4. A.

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